Category Archives: Bullying

Youth Depression, New Technology and Social Media

According to research by the charity Mindfull, nearly three in 10 young adults have harmed themselves on purpose before they were 16 and almost a third (32%) said they had thought about or attempted to end their own life when they were younger. What is wrong with society that our young people feel this way?

I grew up in the 1970s when life was a lot simpler. Don’t get me wrong – we still had pressures to deal with, but nothing like the pressures heaped on youngsters of today. Much of the stress attached to modern life comes from pressures at school, bullying, exam stress, family break-up etc. But I also believe that some of the responsibility lies with the colossal amount of new technological gadgets that we surround ourselves with and the way in which we use social media.

When I was young, I’d see my friends at school. If I wanted to see them after school or at weekends I could always go to their house or they could come to mine. If I didn’t want to see them, I didn’t – pretty simple really. But today, with the internet, our friends are ‘in our face’ 24/7. With smart phones and tablets, there’s no escape from anyone, and for young people it’s as if they have to be on show every minute of every day. How many friends do they have on Facebook today? Has anyone ‘unfriended’ them? How many followers do they have on Twitter? How many parties are they going to this month? Who is popular and who isn’t?

Young people feel the need to create an online persona – they want to be seen to be popular people with busy lives. They are being forced to brand and sell themselves online which is putting tremendous pressure on them. And the fact that young people now communicate online rather than meeting up and talking they way we used to can lead to isolation and loneliness. And this constant pressure to update their statuses, as well as constantly checking other people’s, is not healthy.

There is also the problem of bullying. In our technology-driven world, cyberbullying is fast becoming the bullying method of choice – and there is no escape from it. This type of bullying can be carried out 24/7, and because of the anonymous nature of cyberbullying, it can be difficult to trace the people responsible.

Mindfull is calling for all schools to give students lessons on mental health. This is a good start, but we need something more. We need to equip our young people with the skills to deal with the insidious (for want of a better word) effects of social media. And we need to equip teachers with effective resource packs which enable them to provide young people with the tools to deal with the pressures of modern life.

Boy of 11 found hanging in bedroom

Once again a young person has taken his own life due to bullying — Click here for story.

Sidney Boyimbo Nzamale was discovered by his sister hanging from a bunk bed in his Tottenham bedroom in October 2011. The inquest heard that he had been slapped by a fellow pupil, and on another occasion a boy demanded money from him.

This is a tragedy!  We are all responsible and we need to find ways of stopping bullying once and for all. According to his school, the claims had not been substantiated after a thorough investigation. They stated that their anti-bullying measures were “rigorous” and Sidney was a popular pupil who was settling in well. However, his parents insist he was being bullied.

It is vital that bullying is tackled earlier — we need early intervention from ages 4 or 5 upwards. It isn’t good enough to tackle bullying when it has already become a problem. Many schools have bullying programmes for students from ages 8 upwards — this is often shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Anti-bullying programmes should be part and parcel of every curriculum as soon as children start school. Schools must send out strong messages that bullying has serious consequences and repeat offending will be punished. Victims need to be given the tools to deal with bullying, such as help in developing confidence and self-esteem. They need to know that their school is taking the matter seriously, and parents need to feel confident that their child is safe at school.

We can’t let the death of young Sidney be in vain.